Fraud Alert


Using telemarketing deceptive procedures, and other advertising in media, fraudulent individuals promise false rewards as money, jewelry, life insurance, etc., in exchange for the purchase of Alfa Vitamins’ products. The items that are being purchased are usually expired or do not pertain to the sale. In many cases, these fraudulent sellers convince customers to buy alleged treatments for cures of diseases or sickness, which are completely false and threaten the consumer to sue if they do not continue purchasing.

Due to the seriousness of these incidents that have affected Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc. and its reputation and practice of business, as well as the good faith of our customers, the company advises to all that we do not call potential customers on marketing practices, and we do not offer treatments of any kind.

Alfa Vitamins products can be purchased at reasonable prices in associated pharmacies, such as Walgreens in Florida and on our company website:

Any person affected by fraudulent sales of Alfa Vitamins products or have suspicions of this kind of transaction should communicate this to the pertaining local authorities. Another way, you can get help online from these authorities:

• Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs

• Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

• Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force

• Federal Trade Commission



We work hard to ensure you're protected. If we notice unusual activity in the order we will contact you as soon as possible. Depending on the situation, we may ask you for more identification in order to process your order.

Due to Fraud and many stolen credit cards, if you refuse or fail to provide the necessary identification we will automatically cancel your order.

Our goal is to protect you and stop those who commit fraud.


Please contact us directly for any question and concerns regarding this topic

Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc.
