Healthy active lifestyle


decorated sugar cookies - christmas tree

Committing to a healthy active lifestyle in the New Year is no easy feat. As a matter of fact, according to one statistic, 80 percent of us will fail to keep our New Year's resolutions; however, having a plan of action and the right tools in place will set you up for long-term success. Nutritionist Susan Bowerman shares tips that help her avoid temptation and stay on track.

As a nutritionist, I have to lead by example, which isn't always easy. However, I have learned how to make smarter choices and also to leave room to enjoy some of the foods I love. Below are a few tips that have helped get me through the holidays, family gatherings, and work events that I hope they will also come in handy for you.

Food-on-the-go. When I travel for work to attend a conference, eating on-the-go is often the only option. However, instead of opting for the convenience of fast food, I have a protein shake instead. Such shakes are quick and easy to prepare, and I can carry them with me. They help provide me with the essential vitamins and nutrients I need to get me through the day.

Beware of overindulging There are probably certain foods you associate with the holidays and family gatherings, which might be the only time you are able to enjoy those foods. If that is the case, I think it's okay to spend a few extra calories enjoying those particular food items. However, try not to waste calories consuming those foods you do not care about or that you can get anytime like cookies, crackers, cheese, and chips. If it is something you can only eat once a year, you can justify spending a few extra calories.

Avoid temptations at work. Work settings can be full of temptation. For example, I used to work in a doctor's office and, during the holidays, office parties, and staff birthdays; we had bounties of cake, cookies, candies, caramel popcorn, cheese, and crackers. The food was all on display in the lunchroom. If you find yourself in situations like this, it is helpful (but not always practical) to avoid the lunchroom altogether. If you cannot bypass the lunchroom, ask yourself, "Would I walk across the street for this?" or "Was I thinking about eating this food before I saw it there?" If the answer is no, you probably shouldn't eat it.

If you are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, sharing your health goals with your family and friends is imperative to your long-term success. Building a support group of people you can count on helps to encourage you along your journey. Additionally, there are nutrition and fitness apps you can download as well as online communities you can join to connect with like-minded people who help keep you motivated and on track to living a healthier and happier life.

Written by CSSD, CSOWM for The Healthy Moms Magazine a

1 comment

  • This is very helpful! I will definitely try it this season.

    Claudi P.

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